Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Structure cont.

Although I did not use a plant as my structure, the molecular bonds of the glass on a nanoscale do share some similarities with the cells of a liverwort leaf. If I took one layer of cell from the surface of the leaf and compared the outlines that the cells made, they almost resemble exactly the one dimensional shapes of the bonds between the silicon dioxides. The way in which the bonds are connected, which is in a tetrahedral shape, provides the whole structure with stability. The crystalline forms of the molecules give the glass its hardness.

On the next scale, each window pane resembles a regular glass picture frame. Almost all picture frames are made of some transparent material surrounded by a frame of some sort, just like the various window panes connected by frames as well. From one perspective, the transparent nature of the panes allows us to enjoy a great view of the city. From another, the smaller panes connected by frames also provide the entire structure with more support, stability, and strength.
The largest length scale, which is the all the windows/walls of the Rooftop Lounge, is similar to different compartments of a jewelry box. The whole lounge is composed of frames and glass with the frame dividing up the glass. Likewise, a jewelry box contains many different rectangular compartments with the frames dividing up different spaces. Similar to the previous length scale, the walls, frames, and glass together create a better aesthetic view and make the entire structure much more stable than if it was just composed of glass alone.

Silicon Element Facts. (2009). http://www.green-planet-solar-energy.com/silicon-element-facts.html

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