Thursday, October 22, 2009

Resources on antidiabetic drugs

So here are some journal articles I found regarding the three different types of antidiabetic drugs. Basicially sulfonylurea works by increasing the insulin release from the pancreas while biguanides regulates the glucose production in the liver and thiazolidinediones help cells become more insulin sensitive. I will talk about all these in much more detail in the research paper and the diagrams.

Actually, after researching some more, I decided to just focus on biguanides.

Metabolic Effects of Metformin in Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus -

Re-evaluation of a biguanide, metformin: mechanism of action and tolerability


The antidiabetic drug metformin activates the AMP-activated protein kinase cascade via an adenine nucleotide-independent mechanism.

Metformin: a new treatment option for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

Metformin. A review of its pharmacological properties and therapeutic use in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
this one isn't available online, but it says it's available through Penn's catalog, so I will go check it out soon.

Cellular mechanism of action of metformin

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