Wednesday, September 23, 2009

swine flu cont. - transformation into engineer

I'm not exactly sure what I'm suppose to be blogging about for this entry as tranformation into an engineer, so I guess I'll just discuss how I found most of my sources. There were a lot of random sites on the internet about swine flu, so it was difficult at first to find a legitimate article unless it was the CDC website. In addition, almost all the published news articles on swine flu were biased. Some were trying to create a mass media hype about it while others tried to persuade the audience that the swine flu wasn't that different from the regular flu. Most of my information on the vaccine came from the New England Journal of Medicine, which published a few clinical trial studies. Other medical journal sites such as Pubmed also had a few articles on the swine flu vaccine. I based my decisions on who should receive the shot first and whether I should get the vaccine shot on not mostly on the results of the clinical trials, which didn't seem that promising to me seeing that nearly half had uncomfortable side effects.

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